Our team provides the following services to improve your organization’s research infrastructure and increase research capacity

  • Customized trainings

    • Labor market analysis best practices

    • R/Python for new and experienced users

    • Incorporating Git version control

  • Research mentorship and methods advising

    Get individualized support and feedback on research methods.

  • Research infrastructure package

    • Multi-user RStudio cloud server to run analysis and store data

    • Access to cleaned ACS, CPS, QCEW, OES data

    • Technical support

  • Project research support

    Our team conducts data analysis and produces results tables, data visualizations, memos, reports, or blog posts for your organization.

  • Best practices for labor market analysis guide

    Continually updated guide to datasets and methods used to produce research on job and worker characteristics.

  • R code library

    Example code for estimating job and worker characteristics using the American Community Survey and Current Population Survey. Package of R functions for assigning industry and occupation labels, estimating hourly wages, adjusting wages for inflation, and exporting formatted results tables to Excel.

Contact us if any questions.

Who we’ve worked with: