Our team provides the following services to improve your organization’s research infrastructure and increase research capacity
Customized trainings
Labor market analysis best practices
R/Python for new and experienced users
Incorporating Git version control
Research mentorship and methods advising
Get individualized support and feedback on research methods.
Research infrastructure package
Multi-user RStudio cloud server to run analysis and store data
Access to cleaned ACS, CPS, QCEW, OES data
Technical support
Project research support
Our team conducts data analysis and produces results tables, data visualizations, memos, reports, or blog posts for your organization.
Best practices for labor market analysis guide
Continually updated guide to datasets and methods used to produce research on job and worker characteristics.
R code library
Example code for estimating job and worker characteristics using the American Community Survey and Current Population Survey. Package of R functions for assigning industry and occupation labels, estimating hourly wages, adjusting wages for inflation, and exporting formatted results tables to Excel.