Design equitable wage policies
with expert economic insights.

  • Craft a wage policy for your local context.

    Insights on current economic conditions for your local context, in comparison with peer areas or industries.

  • Estimate the impacts on stakeholders.

    Estimate the impacts of a wage policy on workers, families, employers, consumers, local employment, local economic output, and local government budgets.

  • Compare the costs and benefits.

    Estimate the net benefit or cost for workers, employers, consumers, and local government.

LATEST RESEARCH: Economic Impacts of a Wage and Benefit Labor Standard for the Bay Area Residential Decarbonization Industry

In this paper, we explore the potential economic impacts of adopting labor standards for the residential decarbonization industry in the 9-county Bay Area. Our study compares the status quo in the industry to two different labor standards that could be adopted: (1) prevailing wages and benefits and (2) setting a wage floor of 180 to 250 percent of the state minimum wage, depending on a worker’s trade, and requiring that employers provide health insurance and retirement plans. This study was commissioned by the Bay Area High Road Training Partnership and Rising Sun.

Who we’ve worked with: